Ensuring that children receive nutritious school meals requires school-wide cooperation. Yesterday, we were able to give back to staff by offering a complimentary healthy school meal to staff members at our partner schools. The menu yesterday was popcorn chicken served with a fresh romaine salad, bagged baby carrots, a piece of fresh fruit, a slice of bread, and low fat or skim milk.

We would like to thank the principals, administrative staff, teachers, kitchen staff, lunchroom volunteers, janitorial staff, and all others who handle applications and class lists, collect lunch orders from the classrooms each day, ensure that lunchtime runs smoothly, help prepare the cafeteria for another day of healthy meals, and play a role in the success of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program at their schools.

We were fortunate enough to snap some photographs of the staff appreciation lunch in action! Here are a few of our favorites: